Dick is one of our sojourners. Not only do sojourners knock on doors inviting people to study the bible and learn about the Lord, but we also are often involved in a great deal of physical work. Dick was the team leader on this sojourn and here we see him about to use the chain saw on trees that were downed by a hurricane. In this particular locale, we knocked on over 2000 doors inviting people to a revival meeting. Several came. We also conducted a church growth seminar and preached the revival meeting. The sojourners are a wonderful group some 1000 Christians that travel in their R.V.'s (rigs) working with congregations in a great variety of ways. If you have an interest in the sojourners help you can call 903-935-5742, speak to sojourner or e-mail me, as I am a sojourner and we'll be honored to talk with you.....Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 1:48 PM