Thursday, November 27, 2008

For some updated info about the work of "Disaster Assistance" please go to Mikes blog Mike and I talk together nearly everyday. It is a real privilege to work with this organization that is so given to helping needy people, especially with one that is has so much opportunity for evangelism. Don

In our last discussion, we learned how important it is to let people know of your care and concern for them. We seem to live in a very uncaring world and when you show you care, it stands out. Now here are methods that we have found very helpful in letting visitors at church know you appreciate them.
Cards. Some people are just given to seemingly pen just the right thing. My wife, Rosemary, has been very helpful to me in our evangelism work, because the people I am trying to teach have often received a card from her thanking them for their visit at church or a congratulatory card on some accomplishment. People really appreciate her thinking about them.
Telephone Calls. It may be that you choose to express your appreciation for someones visit at church or some other happening with a telephone call. Remember to keep the call brief. It might be a good idea to invite them to call you or ask if you may call them back. Remember the call is about them. It is very easy ( especially for me) to talk about your children or grand children. There will be time for this, but make that first call about them.
Visiting someone at their home. I have found, at least for me, that this is most effective. Often people appreciate you taking you time to stop by their house. It is my practice and my suggestion to always take someone with you on your visit. On the first visit, I make it a practice not to go in even if invited. I don't want to disrupt anything. If we are invited in, and we often are, I say we'd like to come back. When is it convenient for you? Now there are those rare occasions when we determine it is almost a necessity to go inside, but this is very rare on the first visit.
There have been some interesting findings is showing care to those whom you contact. The sooner the visitor receives a card or telephone call or personal visit, like on a Mon. or Tues., the more likely they are to return the following Sun. or soon after. If at all possible, we don't wait until Fri. or Sat., just before worship the next day. It just seems to be more productive if contact is made earlier in the week.
Now from time to time we want to answer the question, do the practices and methods which we are teaching really work? I can only tell you of personal experience. A few years ago, when we began the work at Howell Church of Christ, our attendance was in the upper teens and low 20's. Last Sunday we had 67 in attendance. God really does give the increase. Don

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We have always found that if we could help the person, that we are trying to teach, know that we really had their best interest at heart, then we are well on the way to a successful bible study. Most often, I have found, it does little good to tell someone "I care" unless you also can show them that you care. That is one of the reasons that our approach in working in neighborhoods where I have never met the people before, is," I am here with the local Church of Christ. We are here to help people. Do you know anyone that could use a few groceries, or some diapers for the babies, or do you know someone that use a gallon of milk"? I must tell you that on average I have spent very little money having to buy for people. Most people say no I don't know anyone that needs help. Having asked to help people, it is easy and natural then for me to ask about spiritual help. Could we come in and pray with you? Could we pray right here""? If the answer is affirmative a study of God's word may very well follow. Now I don't want to tell you that everyone responds favorable to this invitation, but at least they know that they have met a caring Christian from the local church.
Our next lesson will be a discussion how to help assure visitors will come back. Don

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

May I suggest that you read the blog about "Disaster Assistance"? You can read about the latest updates at When Mike started this service back last summer, Rosemary and I were privileged to work with him from the beginning. At that time, there was no funding, and few people had ever heard of us, but Mike, our director, with the input of others, wanted to have an organization that could go right into the affected area. We wanted to be able to be of help as soon as humanly possible. We wanted to be able to go in whether there was electricity, water or anything else. As long as there were "hurting people" we wanted to be there to help. It was also our effort from the beginning, that this would be more than an organization that just helped physically, we wanted to be able to help spiritually. If there was a natural disaster, we wanted to show God's love, to teach God's word, to show thru the haze of hurt that we as God's children cared for them. We have been able to achieve this beyond our greatest hopes. This is being done, because you saw the potential for this work in being of service where there was destruction and also the potential in the building up process, showing the love of God. This work of "Disaster Assistance " has meant so much to the image and knowledge of the Church of Christ in areas where we have serve. People are saying such things as" thank God for you Christians and your church has really helped us". Is it any wonder why we were able to set up 505 bible studies? The people really responded to members of the Church of Christ because of our help. One last note, many of us have worked and worked hard. Cooking and serving up to 1000 meals a day is hard work, but our director, Mike has set the example of hard work. It is his routine to start preparing meals, often before 5 a.m., and then not quit until "dark thirty" that evening. All of this work is important, but I am persuaded that those of you who made this work possible financially, are just as important and just as helpful as those of us who work so diligently in this work of the Lord. God has been glorified, Christ has been magnified, and the Church has been edified by all of us working together. Don

Saturday, November 15, 2008

We have studied three very important principles in out-reach, personal evangelism: 1. Use opportunities 2. Pray for opportunities 3. Make opportunities .
It is certainly rewarding to me to hear from you by email that you are putting these three very important principles into practice. We always try to impress on those we are striving to teach that we are here to help. It has well been said, "Care unshown, is care unknown". We live in an uncaring world. When you show you care, it stands out. It is noticed. It make an impact of good. Here are some ways that have helped us in our work. Send cards. Now, you may be like me and not very good at it. Rosemary, my wife is, maybe your spouse is too. Often when I get to minister or teach someone, they feel like they kn0w me because they have already heard from my wife. The cards that Rosemary sends are often great reinforcing messages of the spiritual relationship we sustain in Christ Jesus. It reinforces the "belonging ship". And.... People do not want to leave where they feel like they belong". Don

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We are discussing three important methods of obtaining bible studies. We have seen that we can use opportunities, we can pray for opportunities, now let's explore the third principle, we can make opportunities.
If I had a loved one ill in the hospital and someone I knew asked if they could go by and visit, I would be honored that they would want to take their time to spend a few moments with my loved one. That person would be appreciated and I would come to the conclusion that they really have my interest in mind. They are interested in what I'm interested in. If after they visited my loved one, they were to ask me if they could read the bible with me and pray, do you think I would reject their further interest in me? Not likely. What about lonely people? I've found that in spite of all the hustle and bustle, there really are a lot of lonely people today. It seems it is just in us to want to communicate with some one who can "make my day a little brighter". And what about people who are lost? I want to look for ways to show these people that when the time comes that they have a spiritual interest in things eternal that I'll be there. I want them to be left with the understanding that "God is just a prayer away and a good friend is just a phone call away". By the way, that time for spiritual interest in them may very well come sooner than later. I want to be there to take opportunity to lead them to the Lord. Now here's the clincher, with all of these opportunities, we can always leave them with this thought, "Jesus cares and I care too". Remember now we always want to spend some time studying the word everyday, because the next person we meet may be our opportunity to teach them of Jesus. Don

Just received this message from Mike. "Disaster Assistance" and Hilltop Rescue & Relief will be working together in Port Bolivar. Bolivar has jus been opened to the public to enter. They will have their base of operation at the Fire Station. "Disaster Assistance" will be feeding the workers and others who may need help and Hill Top will be doing the clean up and rebuilding. I think this is a good example as to what may be accomplished when we work together. For more info on this work and how you might help if you would like to, go to the Mike's blog at Don

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This article was passed on to me by two of my sojourner friends, Doug & Maxine.
Why did Jesus fold the napkin, the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? The Gospel of John tells us that the napkin which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head.
Please read John 20:6&7
The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant and every Jewish boy knows this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the Master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the Master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly and then the servant would wait, just out of sight until the Master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table until the Master was finished.
Now if the Master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. for in those days, the wadded napkin meant, "I'm done". But if the Master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table.
The folded napkin meant, "I'm coming back!"
Just receive a wonderful teaching from Sara another good friend who is also a sojourner. Sara says, "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle".

Monday, November 10, 2008

Over 800 meals served today in the pouring rain as director of "Disaster Assitance" Mike, the "Big Fellow" with help from sojourners and other christians cared for people today in Galveston. That's dedication. This work of "Disaster Assistance" has caught the attention of Christians from seemingly all over the country as we have had people constantly calling and asking how can we help? And help you have. The tremendous expense of feeding over 500 meals a day, 7 days a week is enormous and it could not be done without your sacrificial help. We do hope to have some totals before long as to the number of people fed, the number of bible studies carried out and some of the results of these studies which may be on going at this time. Again thank you so much for your help. We will continue to try and live up to the trust you have placed in us. Don

Friday, November 07, 2008

There are three important principles that I use in our endeavors to set up bible studies. The first we have discussed - use opportunities. New people in the community, sick folk in the hospital or nursing home are two examples of opportunities that are present for most of us at any time.
The second method that I personally use, is praying for opportunities. Often we sing a song, "Lord lead me to some soul today", why not pray a prayer similar to it. I believe the Lord answers prayers and I certainly believes he answers this one for me. You see God wants people to go to heaven, that's why He sent Jesus. Jesus prayed in Mt.6:10 Thy will be done. Peter records in IIPet.3:9, the Lord is not willing that any should perish. Now it just seems to me that if God wants people saved, and He most assuredly does, that if God finds a person who wants to reach out to others with the saving message of Jesus Christ, that He will bless them greatly in this effort. Just makes sense to me. Don

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Just talked with Mike, "Big Fellow" the director of "Disaster Assistance". He informed me that yesterday and today combined, they served over 1900 meals. Mike is receiving some much needed help in serving from Christians who are driving well over an hour to get there to help. This effort in Galveston is really reinforcing the principle of caring Christians. We know that this effort can bring much good for the cause of Christ in this area.
For more info on other areas of interest from the hurricanes' damage, you can read Carol Ogle's article on Mike's blog.
Another lesson on evangelism is planned for tomorrow as well as information on our next mission trip planned for early January. Don

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A good way to get started in setting up bible studies is the use the opportunities that are presently available. These are often over looked in an effort to look else where. The best opportunity the you may have at present could very well be right where you live. Paul says in Gal.6:10 as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially those who are the house hold of faith. Solomon says in Ecc. 11:1, cast you bread upon the water.... New people that have moved into your area are a great place to start. Think about it, they are new there, probably don't have any friends, don't know anybody, a friendly face and visit could be very welcomed. Show you care. Another way to secure bible studies, is by visiting sick people in the hospitals and nursing homes. Those you are visiting may be to ill to study, but they may very well have relatives and often are deeply appreciative of your concern for their sick folks. I have found in using these opportunities that they, later have lead to bible studies. Use opportunities, "Use them of Lose Them" Don

Monday, November 03, 2008

Just talked to Mike, the Director of "Disaster Assistance". They served a record number of meals today. 1005 meals were served today and as of today, since beginning with the Goodwood Church of Christ in Baton Rouge, La. "Disaster Assistance" has serve 28,380 meals. You can imagine the enormity of the cost to be able to help like this. It could only be done by your sacrificial support. During this great effort, God has been glorified, Christ has been magnified, and the Church with its' participation has been edified. You can find out more about this effort on Mike's blog. Don

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Two of the important principles that guide us in evangelism are as follows: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Another principle that guides us is, "When you go to where people are, you can take them where you are going." Let's discuss each of them and see how by putting them into practice we can be more effective in leading people to Christ.
In every way, we encourage people to study the bible. This is especially important to those engaged in outreach. You want to know the material that you want to present. You want to be able to go to the bible for answers. Just today, someone asked me why we did not have musical instruments in "our church"? By going to the bible and reading to them, I let the authority of God do the talking. His word is far more influential than I am. Very probably most of us could give a biblical answer, but it's getting the chance to explain what the bible says in their "comfort zone" so that they will be receptive to the answer. That's where "knowing how much you care" comes in. The people with whom I studied today, ( we were blessed with 2 bible readings & studies today) have already been shown that we at the Howell church care about them and their concerns, both physically and spiritually. We are finding that showing careing concern is a definite help in developing a study.
The second principle that is a great help in obtaining a bible study is " When you go to where people are, you can take them to where you are going" Jesus was the great example of both of these principles. Think how many times He fed people, think how many times, He healed people, Think of the times He told them of God's providence. He went to where people were. Now by going to where people are, we don't mean their address, we mean being able to help them with those things that are of great personal concern. It may be finances, it may be family, it may health, it may be a whole host of things. As you have shown care for people, often they are apt to share with you those things that are crowding out our ability to discuss spiritual things with them. I have found that a great place to start showing God's care for them is in Matthew chapter six. Remember, and this is important, go the individual with an attitude of leading and helping, not arguing, brow beating and driving. We have found it is much easier to lead someone to Christ rather than to try and drive them. In fact, I don't remember anyone I have successfully driven there. Without a doubt, argumentation, debate, etc. has it's place, but when you are privileged to talk with someone about their soul, we might rember the words of James as recorded in chapter 3,v.17, "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceful, gently, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits,... "We can do it." Don

The next mission with which Rosemary and I are involved is a sojourn with the Key West Church of Christ. This will be the third mission in which we have served with this church. During the past two, we have taught a number of people the gospel and have baptized 10 or 12. The Key West church now has a person located in the area who plans to be there until for sometime. His name is Connell Taylor. He and his wife Ann have a great interest in the work there. Connell is working diligently trying to help locate a preacher who will come there and live. While I have yet to meet Connell, I have talked with him several times by telephone and he has deep abiding interest in reaching out to others with the teaching of our Lord and His gospel. Members of the church working with him are planning a lot of out reach activity over the next couple of months including work with the sojourners, we will probably conduct a "Super Saturday" VBS. This will help bring a lot of young people in contact with the church. After that they are planning a campaign in an effort to reach other members of the community. There are also several other couples who are planning to spend some time there helping the church. This is all certainly great news. With the church working with those of us who are trying to help, and the help of the Lord, this church can and will grow both spiritually and numerically. It has been my experience that the people in Key West are receptive to bible study, but they, like all places, need follow up, visitation and bible study. I believe the church is very fortunate to have people like Connell and Ann willing to leave the comforts of their home and spend a long period of time helping this church grow. Rosemary and I look forward to joining with a lot of interested christians in the Key West mission in early Jan. It's about 1100 miles south of here so we are planning 3 days to make the trip. Don

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