Not all of the disasters in which we are involved are due to hurricanes. This picture shows the awesome impact of a tornado in Evansville, Ind. We had been in the gulf region most of Sept. Oct. and were on the way home. Received a call from our Coordinator Mark Cremeans saying they needed help in Evansville. We left immediately. When we got there, there were already several disaster response team members there working. The church there was really organized for the effort. We carried food and supplies out to the people and several were able to come to the church house. The tracts we gave out were well received. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio, has a web site with more information. ChurchesofChristdrt.org Their telephone number is 740-743-2313. Thanks for your concern .....Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:25 PM