Pictured here is just a small amount of the donated items sent to the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. We appreciate you and your donation of very important supplies that will help people. The good clothes that you see hanging in the upper right were greatly appreciated. We are thankful for the many invitations to speak about the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team and also to present a seminar in many churches on the subject of church growth. It is our effort not only to inform congregations of what many volunteers are doing in helping life become a little better and at the same also teach the bible. These seminars, which can greatly help in numerical growth of the church are without any fee whatever. We do not even accept fuel money. It is just another effort that we in the Churches of Christ Disaster Team are involved in to help encourage outreach and church growth. April and May dates are all filled but there are a few dates available in June. We have church growth seminars and drt. presentations scheduled from Ohio to Alabama. If we can be of any help whatever, please email us at
dhudson@mcis.us Again thanks for telling others about this blog site. It has had tremendous reception. It is so encouraging in communicating with so many Christians interested in helping people and who have such a sincere interest in church growth. Thanks, Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 5:28 PM