Some of the Disaster Response Team Volunteers. Don & Rosemary (thats yours truly and his wife). The next picture of an unidentified volunteer, with mask, helping clean out a house. The bottom picture is of Dick and Nita. We are privileged also in being in the sojourners with Dick and Nita. One of the elders from Somerset Church of Christ which oversees the Churches of Christ Disaster Team will be at the Ohio Valley Christian College with an information booth about the volunteer work. Talked with some of the preachers in the Katrina affected area just today. Since the storm, many opportunities for bible study have taken place. One place is have a bible study every evening except Wed. when they have bible study at the church building. In another place there are over 25 on going studies. I am aware of some 60 baptisms and I am sure there are many more of which I am not aware. Brethren this is one of the greatest opportunities I believe we have had in my life time to teach people the word. They are so receptive. Thanks so much for your continued interest and encouragement. It has well been said, " People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" People are finding out how much Christians care and they are responding to our care and interest in them. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:45 PM