Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wonderful news. As all know there is a a lot of out reach that takes place with the volunteers of the drt. One such place that received much needed help such as food, meals, repair and bible teaching was a community south of Mobile, Al. call Bayou le Batre. I love this area, the people are very warm and friendly. The hurricane had ruined much of the fishing there along with destroying and flooding many houses. The Church of Christ had ceased meeting some time before Katrina but many of us volunteers used it as a staging area bringing in supplys and providing meals for the people of the area. I am happy to tell you that due to a lot of work, the church building is again open, Christians are meeting there and, there has been some 40 (forty) baptisms. The last two Sundays they have had to bring out extra chairs for the Sun.morn. service. Just look what God can do thru His people. There are many other success strories from the mission efforts that we will be sharing on the Missions with Don and Rosemary blog. Church Growth based on the bible can take place. It is taking place and I am humbled by the privilege of having a part in it. I know you are too.
Had hoped to have some more pictures up from our mission trip in S. Fla. but other events happened please return this Thurs evening, we should have several very interesting pictures. Again please e mail and tell you friends about this blog. We, together, can encourage out reach and church growth. Don

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