As you can see this fine lady on the gulf coast appears very happy. Even though she had been thru a storm there were now members of the Church of Christ, volunteers, helping with food, clothing and trying to help people get their lives back to some order. They are very receptive to bible tract and bible study. Many bible studies are going on at this present moment because in caring for these people a door of receptivity was definitely opened.. Please email me at
dhudson@mcis.us with any questions. If you would like to become a volunteer with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, contact me or go to the web site
www.churchesof christ drt.org for more info. Thanks for telling others about this blog site. This blog site has had a tremendous impact in encouraging out-reach. Together we are making a difference. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:08 PM