Friday, April 14, 2006
Because of all the damage to the church building, clothes were piled outside every day. Nearly all of these clothes would be gone by days end. This upper picture is of the Church at Bayou le Batre. It had been closed for a long time before Katrina, but with the outreach efforts of so many volunteers, this congregation of the Church of Christ is now open for worship. At last check, there have been 49 baptisms, and they are now having bible study 6 nights a week. Below is yours truly with some dear friends that we made during our efforts at Bayou le Batre. They were so friendly and so receptive. I am told there are now several Asian members of the Church at Bay le Batre.....The opportunity for out reach in the gulf region is just tremendous. By the way thank you very much for your reception of the blog "Missions with Don & Rosemary" Everyday we have emails telling us about work for the Lord. And yes, your bible questions are always welcomed. I don't claim to be a scholar, just a seeker, but to the best of my ability we'll see what God's word say about living for Him. Isn't God good? He can take our little and so greatly multiply it to His Glory. Matt.6:6 But thou when thou prayest enter into thy close and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Don