A dozen of us sojourners working in an evangelistic effort in S.W. Fla. From left to right, Neal & Thelma, Dick & Nita, Doug& Maxine, George & Margaret, Joe & Gladys, Don & Rosemary. We worked several days door knocking and inviting people to church and setting up bible studies. Then we were involved in preaching the meeting. When the meeting was over, we spent another week there helping the church cut damaged trees and debris as a result of hurricane Charley. For information about the sojourners, either to find out about joining or if you would like our help, please go to the web page
www.sojourning.org, e mail at
office@sojourning.org or you can call the office at 903-935-5742. Good night, Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 7:26 PM