Even though there was unbelievable devastation in the gulf region, these people still had a great sense of humor. We really came to love and appreciate folks there very much. In this area of the gulf our biggest job was, by hand, hauling limbs, pieces of houses, pieces of boats and pieces of I don't what to the curb, so that others could come in and haul off the debris from the curb. As we worked with the people including hauling groceries and other necessities to them, they were very receptive to learning about the Lord and His Church. In areas of devastation such as this, one of the big jobs of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is to haul supplies out to the people. Much donated supplies often come in, but many times cars have been destroyed and they have no way of getting necessities. This is one area in which the drt. is very important. The supplies have to get to the people and that's one of the big efforts the volunteers have. We getting ready right now preparing our selves for when the call comes from "The Boss", we're ready to leave to help. Want to be part of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team.? It's all volunteer, but it is a tremendous opportunity to help people both physically and spiritually. Call the Somerset Church of Christ at 740 743 2313 or go to their web site at
www.churchesofchristdrt.org You are welcome to email me with questions
dhudson@mcis.us Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:34 PM