Sunday, April 30, 2006

I suppose all of us have childhood heroes. I did. There was no one greater to me as a boy then a youth raised in S. Fla. than V. P. Black. So many times hearing him in meetings, what impressions for the gospel impressed on me? While on sojourner work this passed Jan. & Feb. I learned he was in a meeting at the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda, Fla. I went to every service just as I did as a boy. Thank God for heroes like V.P. Black. While there however, I gained a new hero, Doug English. After hurricane Charley demolished the church building, things did not look good for the continuation of the work there. But God can raise up. He raised up another hero, Doug and his devoted wife Evie. They encouraged the brethren, and now anytime , this determined congregation will begin their building. Even though they began meeting again in a tent, now a trailer, they are very interested in evangelism and out reach. They're growing numerically. In the picture on the left a hero of mine for nearly 65 yrs., on the right a new hero of about 65 days. Yes, that's me in the middle. Am looking forward to speaking with the Windrow Church of Christ near Murfressboro, Tn. Wed. night. It is an opportunity to tell people about what is going on with the volunteers and The Churches of Christ disaster Team. The phones have really been ringing today from christian brethren asking how they can help. Thank you very much. Thanks for telling others about this blog encouraging missions. Thanks for the many, many, emails everyday. To the best of our ability, we answer everyone the day we receive it. This is another part of our volunteer work with the drt. I appreciate everyone of your emails. It's 10:00 and time for me to turn in.... Seems like 5:30 come a little early some mornings. Saw this saying at HCU while there. "Thank God, they're sins. Good Night.. Don