In spite of the fact that volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Team (drt.) often work in some tough situations, we often take time to spread a little joy. Here is Mark, "The Boss" along with Royke, an elder in the church, and Rosemary laughing at a good joke. Just a little break. When the laughter is over it back to clean up. This house had a lot of damage and needed a lot of clean up, but when the volunteers left things were a lot better. We are especially appreciative to Heritage Christian Un. in Florence, Al. and President Dennis Jones for allowing the use of the facilities to meet with interested congregations concerning the opportunity for helping in the gulf region. This picture, I believe, speaks volumes as to the joy that the volunteers with drt bring to hurting people. Just think of the extra joy we have bringing them with a message of hope and salvation in Christ Jesus. Brethren thanks to you, we, together are making a big difference......Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 7:19 PM