Seemingly everywhere volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team go, we see signs of appreciation like this one that reads. "God bless you for all your help". A question that is often asked of people who want to do personal evangelism is how do I get contacts? One way is as a volunteer with "drt", we give out bible tracts where ever we go. When we offer to do follow up with them they ar often very receptive. When we as Christians take the opportunity to show we really care about them the receptivity is just great. It has been a joy to be at various congregations telling them of the opportunity we have to help physically and spiritually in the volunteer work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. By the way we never accept a fee to come and speak with you concerning personal evangelism and no funds are solicited. NOT EVEN MENTIONED.
April and May speaking dates are filled and June is filling up quickly. From July on engagements are only scheduled with the understanding that if a disaster strikes, we are committed to going to help the people in the disaster area. Thank you all for your encouragement is this effort. Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 6:15 PM