Saturday, April 15, 2006

On another note received an email from Randy, one of the really great volunteers. He has spent some time helping with the clean up after the tornado north of Nashville. The efforts of the Church of Christ in this effort has been featured on many news programs.
Looking forward in attending the meeting at Heritage Christian Un.the 29th concerning the efforts in the gulf region and the tremendous opportunity in bible teaching, out reach and church growth in the region. Brethren the opportunity is tremendous. Looking forward to speaking at the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda, Fl. next week, then at the West Fayetteville Church of Christ in Fayetteville, Tn. and then we go to Somerset, Ohio to present another seminar on out-reach and church growth. Jesus said, "the fields are white unto harvest" He said it and I believe it. Received an email from Fla. that said about the church, "Under the same management for over 2000 yrs."
Good Night All. Remember in your prayers the work of so many who are helping reach out to others with the saving message of Jesus. Don