This pile of debris was once the building of the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda, Fla. Our brethren there have refused to give up. They are at present meeting in a mobile home on the property. Doug English is serving the church as minister and is a fine preacher. It appears that in a few weeks the brethren at Punta Gorda will be able to begin construction on their new building. The Churches of Christ Disaster Team was involved in a great deal of the recovery effort in in the Charlotte County area in the aftermath of Hurricane Charley. If you would like to help in any way with the volunteers of the drt, please email me at
dhudson@mcis.us Another idea, go to the web site ChurchesofChrist.drt.org there you can find out a great deal more as well as read Laura's blog. Why not give them a call? Don
# posted by Missions with Don&Rosemary @ 12:54 PM