Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Two sojourners, Joe & Gladys, who are also volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. They have done great work in helping people who have suffered so much on the gulf coast. Joe was a big help in everything, but especially in helping giving out bible tracts. Below is a revival sign in Cape Coral where we as a group of sojourners worked helping the church there. We knocked on several hundred doors inviting people to worship, helping set up bible studies and helping the local church in many ways. Maybe you would like to consider joining the sojourners. If so, talk with any sojourner, call the office at 903-935-5742, email the sojourners office@soulurning .org
If I can help you in any way, please email me at dhucson@mcis.us
Oh yes, thank you so much for telling folks about this blog site. It is just tremendous, the response we are getting. Thank you so much for helping encourage out reach among Christians. Don