Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Bible Study
We are doing a great work so that we cannot come down
Rm.6:3-5,Neh.6:3, Rm.15:4
Jerusalem demolished at the Babylonian captivity
Persian King Artaxerxes allowed Jews to return to their home land
Nehemiah wants to rebuild the walls of the city
Sanballet and Tobiah don't want the Jews to rebuild
Derision and RIdicule "if a fox go up" Neh. 4:3
Redicule can either ruin or rekindle our zeal
Problem--walls in disrepair
Cause of the problem--sin and rebellion
Solution--turn to God and begin to work Neh.4:6
Not everyone was happy about Nehemiah's achievement--devil doesn't give up easily
If can't stop him, get him on another task Neh.6:1-3
Nehemiah's response, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down"
II.Our Great Work---Preaching the a Gospel, Letting our light Shine
Eph.3:10&11, Acts1:8&9, ICor.1:17, ICor1:21, ICor.2:1-5, ICor.1:1-4
III. That which can deter our great work
1.Sin- a leech on the soul, IJn.1:7-Ijn.2:2
2.Discouragement, Deut.1:21, Heb.13:5&6
3.Criticism by others--We may care to much what others think
I can become a slave of praise
I can become a prisoner of criticism
I need to please God Heb.11:5
IV. A Charge
1.Preach the gospel--the good news of the really good life
2.Work at building the Church, the family of God
"We're doing a great work so that we can not come down.
We are doing a great work so that we cannot come down
Rm.6:3-5,Neh.6:3, Rm.15:4
Jerusalem demolished at the Babylonian captivity
Persian King Artaxerxes allowed Jews to return to their home land
Nehemiah wants to rebuild the walls of the city
Sanballet and Tobiah don't want the Jews to rebuild
Derision and RIdicule "if a fox go up" Neh. 4:3
Redicule can either ruin or rekindle our zeal
Problem--walls in disrepair
Cause of the problem--sin and rebellion
Solution--turn to God and begin to work Neh.4:6
Not everyone was happy about Nehemiah's achievement--devil doesn't give up easily
If can't stop him, get him on another task Neh.6:1-3
Nehemiah's response, "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down"
II.Our Great Work---Preaching the a Gospel, Letting our light Shine
Eph.3:10&11, Acts1:8&9, ICor.1:17, ICor1:21, ICor.2:1-5, ICor.1:1-4
III. That which can deter our great work
1.Sin- a leech on the soul, IJn.1:7-Ijn.2:2
2.Discouragement, Deut.1:21, Heb.13:5&6
3.Criticism by others--We may care to much what others think
I can become a slave of praise
I can become a prisoner of criticism
I need to please God Heb.11:5
IV. A Charge
1.Preach the gospel--the good news of the really good life
2.Work at building the Church, the family of God
"We're doing a great work so that we can not come down.