Saturday, May 27, 2006

There are all kinds of work that is needed when a hurricane or other natural disaster occurs. Here in this picture are two working together to help someone clean their yard of debris. The volunteer on the right, I can not identify, but the one on the left is Nancy who has come over 1000 miles from Ohio to help. Nancy also is a great help in keeping financial accounts for the Churches of Christ dIisaster Response Team.
Tomorrow in the newsletter we will be discussing opportunities we have with the drt in our-reach. This is one of our efforts in the drt and because it is obvious that we are there to help, tremendous opportunities become available to us to out reach as we seek to help. You support has been a great help in this effort and because of our efforts together many people have been baptized into Christ. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is helping making a real difference in out-reach and is helping the church grow not only spiritually, but also numerically. 9:50pm. Good Night Don