Monday, May 22, 2006

Many have seen this picture before, but we have a special reason for putting it on again. This is "Big Mike" as he is passing out supplies to the little children. Mike loves the little children and they really love him. They especially love to hear his booming voice. This big guy is now on the way home to see some of his family in Indiana. He has served as a volunteer with the DRT sinse the first of Oct. He has served in some compacity from Mobile to New Orleans. The Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is fortunate to have many volunteers with the dedication of helping people suffering from disaster, like "Big Mike". This brother stopped in to visit, eat supper and spend the night with Rosemary and me today. We have had wonderful fellowship with him and Randy Curtis, another DRT volunteer this evening. We have received over a hundred new contacts for email and the blog today. Thank you very much. Had a great conversation with Patty in N. Fla. today. She had made me an excellent cd to show people and can hardly wait to get the power point so I can use it in our presentation about the DRT. Have three more presentations before Rosemary & I begin our work in the field, so our speaking schedule is full for now, but we do have a couple of openings in Nov. of this year, should you desire a church growth work shop or bible study with information about the DRT. There is never a charge for these presentations, it is a very important part of our work with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team.... Getting late, 9:30pm. Good Night and remember God can do great things with just a small drink of water. Mt.10:42 email Don