Thursday, May 04, 2006

This picture of Rosemary and me was taken while serving with the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Team (drt) in the gulf region. Our work is not only to set up kitchens to feed disaster victims, carry groceries and commodities to people who need help, but also to introduce people to Jesus. We hand out thousands of tracts and give out hundreds of bibles. We are helped by a lot of interested volunteers. Over a hundred baptisms have taken place in the gulf region sinse last years hurricanes. We have found that people are very receptive to teaching about Christ when you there helping. It has well been said, "when you go to where people are, you can take them where you are going." Had a wonderful opportunity to speak at the Windrow Church of Christ, near Murfressboro, Tn. this past Wed. night about the work of the drt. I look forward to preaching at my beloved Howell this Sun. and then leave Mon. for Somerset, Ohio to deliver a seminar on church growth and to speak Sun. We have added a great number of contacts and recipients these past couple of days. Thank you very much for telling others about "Missions with Don & Rosemary" there is a tremendous interest and one christian told me the other night after we delivered a massage about the outreach effort of the drt, he said, "I can do this" Isn't that great? It't is such a wonderful work. Our web site is Good Night. Don