Sunday, May 07, 2006

This top picture is of several of the volunteers at the end of the day enjoying a little talk together before turning in. The Creekside Church of Christ in Mobile would fix supper for all of the volunteers every evening. No matter how difficult, how dirty or how far we had to go to help people, the good brethren had a good warm meal for us every evening. The two people at the lft. of the table are Mark and Laura Cremeans. Mark is the coordinator for the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. These two are unbelievable tire-less workers. When we are called to the work by Mark, there is no wasted time, he and Laura have the supplies and jobs ready for us. Those who suffer from disasters are grateful to have these two at the ready, ready for us to go to work. Helping.
This bottom picture shows a man standing at a table from which we are preparing to feed about 100 people who have lost so much from a hurricane. He is an example of so many of the volunteers who drove hundreds of miles to come and help. Should you notice a similarity, this volunteer is my brother, Paul.
We will be off the blog and not answering email for a few days, we leave in the morning to present a seminar on church growth at the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Ohio. Thank you so much for telling others about the blog. More and more people are becoming a part of it as we encourage out reach, evangelism and church growth. Don