Monday, May 01, 2006

This top picture shows the utter destruction of the Peace River Church building done by Hurricane Charley. The bottom picture shows the continued effort in evangelism & outreach as minister Doug English is shown conducting worship service at one of the nursing homes. This church, even though they are still meeting in a trailer, are being known more and more for their determination not to be defeated, but continuing in the Lord's work.
Received an update about Military Missions from Ben Overby. In their efforts with the military at Fort Benning, they baptized 20 men this past Sun. As I understand it, these brethren are taught not only about becoming members of the church but also are taught how to teach others where ever they may be stationed. A dear friend of Rosemary and mine Connie is one of the volunteers helping in the mission effort. "Say not there are four months and then comes the harvest? I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look unto the fields, they are white already unto harvest." Jesus Good Night....Don