Thursday, May 18, 2006
he top picture is of the three elders of the Somerset, Ohio Church of Christ who oversee the work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. From left to right, Larry, Dave, and Don. These are deeply spiritual men who in their love for the Lord have taken on this big work. Rosemary and I met with the church this last week. We were gone a total of 9 days. We were a part of their church growth workshop and I was privileged to preach there Sun. morn. and night. This is a diligently working church with much out reach and great love and concern for one another. Many of the members of this congregation have driven hundreds of miles several times to help in disaster strickened areas. Now while volunteering help, buildings supplies, money and equipment are all important, some folks want to help a great deal, but simply can't make this long trip for various reasons. They still can help and are very much needed. Such a person is in the second picture. This is another Rosemary. She is also member of the Somerset Church. Now while for many reasons this wonderful sister can not make the trip, she makes care packages for people in the disaster areas. This little bag contains a bar of soap, a wash cloth, a toothbrush and toothpaste and a few other personal items. I can tell you as one who delivers food and supplies in the affected areas these care packages, that Rosemary and others prepare are greatly appreciated and help people know that christians care. I can tell you when you handle these packages prepared by these wonderful sisters, you can feel the love. Thank God for wonderful christians like Rosemary. She just won't quit. Thank you so much for your e mails. Think I am caught up now. This working church in Somerset, Ohio was such an inspiration to Rosemary and me, we can hardly wait for a return visit. Don