Thursday, June 15, 2006
I.Without question, the betrayal, trial and crucifixion of Jesus was a horrible devastating event. Heb.4:14-16, Heb.5:7, Jn.19:34
A.It appeared that the forces of evil had triumphed, but,,, Jn.20:1-10
B. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS IS THE FOUNDATION TRUTH UPON WHICH CHRISTIANITY STANDS. If Jesus was not raised from the dead on the third day, Christianity is just another story, another myth.
1.Jesus prophesied of His resurrection. Mt.16:21
If a person wants to destroy someone's faith, try to show that the resurrection of Jesus from the grave is just a myth.
II. The value of testimony--In many endeavors, witnesses are important.
1. On Oct.12,1492 Columbus is said to have "discovered America". What was the quality of the witnesses? Columbus? His sailors?
2.Look at the quality of the witnesses to the resurrection, some of the best quality possible. Many of them paid with their live before they would change their testimony. "I saw Him" was their testimony as they passed into eternity. ICor.15:58
3.There are at least eleven post resurrection appearances
1.Mary Magdalene & other Mary Mt.28:1-10, 2.Mary Magdalene, herself Mk.16:9-11
3 Simon Peter Lk.24:34,4.James, His brother,ICor.15:7,5.Apostles without Thomas
Jn.20:19-25,6 The apostles, with Thomas Jn.20:26-29, "My Lord & My God"
7Two disciples on the road to EmmausLk.24:13-35, 8The 11 apostles, Mk.16:15&16,
9.Seven by the Sea of Galilee Jn21:1,2 10.Above 500 brethren at one time ICor.15:6
11.Last of all He appeared to Paul ICor.15:8
III.His Ascension Acts 1:9
1.The Great Commission Mt.18:18-20, Mk.16:15&16
I do not believe God has given us a job to do that He hasn't given us the power to do it. Do you?
IV.He made it possible to be saved, to be right with God, to walk with God..
Rm.5:6-10, IJn.2;2 Rm.8:1, Gal.3:26&27, IICor.6:16-18
I.Without question, the betrayal, trial and crucifixion of Jesus was a horrible devastating event. Heb.4:14-16, Heb.5:7, Jn.19:34
A.It appeared that the forces of evil had triumphed, but,,, Jn.20:1-10
B. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS IS THE FOUNDATION TRUTH UPON WHICH CHRISTIANITY STANDS. If Jesus was not raised from the dead on the third day, Christianity is just another story, another myth.
1.Jesus prophesied of His resurrection. Mt.16:21
If a person wants to destroy someone's faith, try to show that the resurrection of Jesus from the grave is just a myth.
II. The value of testimony--In many endeavors, witnesses are important.
1. On Oct.12,1492 Columbus is said to have "discovered America". What was the quality of the witnesses? Columbus? His sailors?
2.Look at the quality of the witnesses to the resurrection, some of the best quality possible. Many of them paid with their live before they would change their testimony. "I saw Him" was their testimony as they passed into eternity. ICor.15:58
3.There are at least eleven post resurrection appearances
1.Mary Magdalene & other Mary Mt.28:1-10, 2.Mary Magdalene, herself Mk.16:9-11
3 Simon Peter Lk.24:34,4.James, His brother,ICor.15:7,5.Apostles without Thomas
Jn.20:19-25,6 The apostles, with Thomas Jn.20:26-29, "My Lord & My God"
7Two disciples on the road to EmmausLk.24:13-35, 8The 11 apostles, Mk.16:15&16,
9.Seven by the Sea of Galilee Jn21:1,2 10.Above 500 brethren at one time ICor.15:6
11.Last of all He appeared to Paul ICor.15:8
III.His Ascension Acts 1:9
1.The Great Commission Mt.18:18-20, Mk.16:15&16
I do not believe God has given us a job to do that He hasn't given us the power to do it. Do you?
IV.He made it possible to be saved, to be right with God, to walk with God..
Rm.5:6-10, IJn.2;2 Rm.8:1, Gal.3:26&27, IICor.6:16-18