Friday, June 30, 2006

Bible Study-----Priorities
1. We live in a world where great demands are put on our time, constantly.
2.These demands constantly clalmor for our attention.
3. How do we choose what to do first---"attention getters."
a.Noise b.Fear c.Happiness

These "attention getters" can often leave us empty and in a hurry to get to the next "attention getter".

There ia principle in the bible to set priorities
Col. 3:1-4, Jos.24:15, Mt.6:33


I. The body of Christ-- The Church
Col.1:18, Eph.1:22&23,IThes.5:11
1.How important is it to us to build the church? We as christians are a part of Christ's body.
II. A exemplary life---not all will approve
Jn.3:19, Jn.3:15,ICor.11:1
We can stand for good.
III. Make it a point to see the good and build on it.
It has been said, "working on the problem, gives bigger problems, working on the solution, gives bigger solutions."
Phil. 4:8, Mt.6:23, Jn.4:35,
Set your affections on helping others.

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