Saturday, June 10, 2006

I received a wonderful opportunity to help get the word out about Vacation Bible School. One of the elders invited me to help. This eldership has a plan and program where helpers, young and "older" pass out a flyer to every house in the community telling them of the VBS, the speakers and the times. I am only sorry, I will not be able to attend as I will be going to a meeting where I preach at Howell and then teaching VBS at Mooresville. I thought, however, that this effort in VBS could mean so much to the children in the community and it does a lot of good for us who helped. This going door to door may not work in every community, but I hope to report later in the week the results of this effort. I am of the opinion that this congregation is going to have a great VBS.. "When you go to where people are, you can take them where you are going." Don

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