Friday, June 02, 2006

It's not all work when the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team go to an affected area. Here we are with several volunteers from Granny White enjoy the evening meal together. As you become a volunteer the fellowship with Christians who are so dedicated is really a spiritual encouragement. A very close bond with brethren very often occurs. These volunteers had driven some 500 miles to help and help they did. A lot of people who knew little or nothing about the church of Christ became interested because they saw Christians in action helping them. No wonder it is so easy to set up bible studies and interest people in the Lord thru the work and love of wonderful volunteers.
Again, we have pictured Anna Grisham, the author of this second installment of her article.
The DRT will bring the following to the disaster site to aid the local congregation in reaching out to their community:
Trained Volunteers
Tool Trailer completely stocked with tools, plastic sheeting and felt paper
Health Kits
Clean up Kits
Baby Kits
School Kits
The local congregation opens its doors as a distribution center of relief packaged containing food, water, new clothing, personal needs and products, Bibles, etc. to assist neighbors who have been adversely affected. Mark states, "People want to help. They don't know what you need, so I evluate what we need and ask for it. When I have ask for something, I have yet to be turned down."
WHAT TYPES OF DISASTERS DOES THE DRT RESPOND? The DRT may be called upon to respond to a wide variety of disasters. Some have natural causes while others may be related to human causes. Natural disasters include floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Human related disasters encompass such tragedies as fires, explosions and terrorist related activities. Laura commands the computer. She is "aware of a hurricane forming and its anticipated location of landfall even before the Weather Channel releases the information." This way she can "contact area congregations and make the DRT services well knownbeforer the hurricane makes landfall."
Third and last installment tomorrow night .