Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Now while much of the work of the volunteers of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team is helping with the care of people and clean up after hurricane, here are pictures taken after the damage of a tornado in Evansville, In. The volunteers worked with a wonderful church of Christ in Evansville helping in repair, cleanup, and carrying food to people. The church was wonderful to work with. As we went into the community helping people we wrote down names and addresses and what we did. This enables a great deal of follow up. The bottom picture says better than words the appreciation the people had for the volunteers.
I want to encourage you to go to the web site and pull up Laura's blog. It is of course excellent writing, but is so encouraging, even inspirational are the statements of some of the volunteers. Believe me, brethren as you and I work in this effort, whether here at home in prayers, and gathering supplies, sending much needed money, or working in the field, we, who are a part of the volunteers receive more than we could ever give. Brethren we are making a big difference. People are learning about the Lord from our efforts. People are studying the bible because of our efforts. People are obeying the gospel because of our efforts. Let's press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Don