Friday, June 09, 2006

Pictured at the top is "Big Mike". Little children love this big fellow. He is passing out much appreciated bottled water here. Mike also pulls a commodity trailer filled with your donated supplies such as groceries, house hold items and grills & charcoal to cook with. In a disaster Mike his crew and me and my crew generally set up at the same place. A good hot meal from our crew and some much needed commodities from Mike and his crew can usually help the people until we can get back to their community. While we are there providing food for the people, we are also giving out tracts and bibles. With our new plans for outreach we believe we can greatly increase the number of bible studies at each location. Suprisingly the people, when they see how much members of the church of Christ care about them, many are then most ready to learn about this Jesus who influences us to serve.
At the end of the day sometimes after dark, we talk on the way back to the church about this lady in the white apron. That is Marcell. She and her crew, while we are out serving, is back at the kitchen cooking the volunteers a good warm meal. It isn't anything for Marcell & co. to cook a good meal for from 100-250 volunteers at a time. Marcell and her crew always have a kind pleasant word for us at the end of a hard hot day. Oh, yea, Marcell always has us some good ice cream.
Brethren the opportunity to set up bible studies thro the work of the Churches of Christ Disaster Team is tremendous. God has provided us a great opportunity to reach people with the gospel. If you want to be a part in any way from donating items, supplies, or money, or if you have the opportunity to engage in the actual work, there is room. We can use any talent to God's glory. We need folks that will just sit and listen to these good people who have been thro devastation. Listening often can lead people to Christ. PEOPLE DON'T CARE HOW MUCH WE KNOW UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH WE CARE. We care, we are the Church of Christ. Want to encourgage you to go to the web site Make sure you read Laura's blog. Good Night Don