Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pictured here are several of the young people, many of them students, who are volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Team. They are taking their break time to help clean out flooded houses, clean debris and anything they are asked to do. They are great kids.
Questions are being asked about donations. Thank you very much for this inquirey as it is obvious that all of this work takes money. The first thing I want you to know is that any donation of money you give, is not used to pay salaries or used for "administrative services. " We are volunteers. Should you or the congregation with which you worship choose to donate, please make your check to the Somerset Church of Christ
P.O. box 247 314 North Market St. Somerset, Ohio 43783.
I spoke to one of the elders that oversees this work and I can tell you that all of your donation will be used to help people who have suffered in these disasters. Your donations of money have made the great mission work done by the DRT possible. New Christians, can be thankful for your sacrificial donation.
Donations such as canned food, diapers, cleaning materials, childrens toys, paper goods, towels, tooth brushes and tooth paste, soap, soap powder, and other household goods are much appreciated and greatly used. We do not have equipment to haul these donations but usually there is some one in your area who is going down and may well carry them for you. If you have supplies that you want carried please call our coordinator Mark at 937-308-0035 or email me at and we'll do our best to get your supplies carried. Thank you very much, and be sure your donations will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your concern and desire to donate to help feed, care, and teach the gospel with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team. We are under the eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ Somerset Ohio. Don