Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Talk about power of a hurricane. Just look at the size of this root mass. That's Rosemary standing in front of it. This was a rather old tree and had seen a lot. This photo was taken while we were on a mission with the sojourners in S. Fla. This is another mission group with which Rosemary and I volunteer. This was an evangelistic effort in which we endeavored to set up bible studies with the people of the area.
Have received emails from many of the volunteers with the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, letting us know they are ready when the need arises. One of the efforts that we are working on with the DRT, is trying to improve our out reach methods. We have had opportunity to introduce many people to Jesus thru the efforts, but we want to do better. We hope to have at least one person on the various crews whose responsibility is to see that everyone gets a tract and have a name, address/or telephone number to follow up. This will take some more effort to get as many contacts as possible but the opportunities to serve and teach the Word is tremendous. http://donchudson.blogspot.com Don