Sunday, June 25, 2006

We have had a good visit with my Dad, but I am missing Middle Tenn. and am looking forward to leaving early in the morning. We hope to be home late tomorrow evening. We enjoyed worshipping with the Peace River Church this morning. They believe that the plans submitted now will go thru and before long they can begin their building. Doug English is their minister. He had an excellent sermon this morning on stewardship.. He left me with an excellent thought that I hope to always remember to put in practice better."Whatever you do, whether you are paid to do it or it is volunteer work, always do your best." I do know this I have some great brethren who are excellent practicioners of this idea. I delivered a church growth lesson for bible study on how to make the church a center in the community.
We have received so many emails today and have just finished answering them. Thank you very much. There has been so much good news from you today about you growing and helping the church grow. A sister named Rosemary wrote Jn.15:12 "My commandment is Love each other as I have loved you." Don \\

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