Tuesday, June 27, 2006

We received a newsletter today from the Church St. Church in Lewisburg, Tn. today. Mike Baker, the pulpit minister, wrote an excellent article concerning mission work. A couple of "lifted quotes"are as follows. Mike writes, " But at times we mistakenly think that mission work can only be done when we leave our country to go to another. But that is not at all what was meant when Jesus gave the Great Commission. " As you go"is an alternate reading of the phrase "Go Therefore" These are thoughts of which I need to be reminded from time to time. I may not be able to go accross the country or accross the water, but I may be able to go accross the street to put in a good word for Jesus.
Talking about putting in a good word for Jesus, here are a couple of pictures of volunteers in Somerset, Ohio, getting the "tool" trailers ready. These tailers are equipted with chain saws yard tools generators and other equipment. This has all been cleaned and reworked and ready to go. The Disaster Response Team offers an excellent opportunity to do mission work. Whether or not you have a rig or not you can help. Marge--what would we do without Marge?-- is in charge of housing for the volunteers. She arranges sleeping, meals, showers etc. for the volunteers. If you want to help, click on the web site churchesofchristdrt.org email me donchudson.mcis.us or call me at 931-698-3150. We will be happy to help. I hope you remember to link on to Laura's blog for her current on the scene updates. Don