Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Bible Study--I as an individual can be effective...
(Others may not help, but I can) "If no one joins me yet will I follow"
"Others not doing anything, can be an excuse for me not doing anything."
"I may develop a great talent of criticism, but lack the time or energy or something to do anything"
I. Results of my non-participation -- no one is reached or helped.
A. Others do not get my help Mt.25:40
B. This attitude of "me not doing anything," doesn't help me.
C. God holds us responsible for using our abilities.
D. God blesses our work!!!! ICor.15:58, Heb.6:10
II. Some efforts I can make even if others don't .
What you can do is very important
A. Be a good example
ITim.4:12, IIPet.3:1
B. You can make a difference by your support thru prayers and financial support of the work of the church.
1.Make known to the world salvation thru Jesus Christ. Eph. 3:10
a. How to do this:
1.Preaching IITim4:2, Rm.1:16, 2. Teaching Mt.28:20, IITim. 2:2, 3. Helping others
Titus 3:14
C. God can use you in these and other great works of the church. IICor.4:7
III. I can remain faithful to the Living God---Sometimes that can be lonely
IKings 19:14 Elijah, "I even I only am left."
Ez.22:30 "I sought a man to stand in the gap"
We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in relationship with God. People are. We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in bible study. They are...Jn.4:35
(Others may not help, but I can) "If no one joins me yet will I follow"
"Others not doing anything, can be an excuse for me not doing anything."
"I may develop a great talent of criticism, but lack the time or energy or something to do anything"
I. Results of my non-participation -- no one is reached or helped.
A. Others do not get my help Mt.25:40
B. This attitude of "me not doing anything," doesn't help me.
C. God holds us responsible for using our abilities.
D. God blesses our work!!!! ICor.15:58, Heb.6:10
II. Some efforts I can make even if others don't .
What you can do is very important
A. Be a good example
ITim.4:12, IIPet.3:1
B. You can make a difference by your support thru prayers and financial support of the work of the church.
1.Make known to the world salvation thru Jesus Christ. Eph. 3:10
a. How to do this:
1.Preaching IITim4:2, Rm.1:16, 2. Teaching Mt.28:20, IITim. 2:2, 3. Helping others
Titus 3:14
C. God can use you in these and other great works of the church. IICor.4:7
III. I can remain faithful to the Living God---Sometimes that can be lonely
IKings 19:14 Elijah, "I even I only am left."
Ez.22:30 "I sought a man to stand in the gap"
We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in relationship with God. People are. We need not allow Satan to deceive us with the thought that people are not interested in bible study. They are...Jn.4:35