Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A rather exciting mission has become available to Rosemary and me with the DRT. In the gulf region many people have been helped by the volunteers and this a has opened the door for much bible teaching. Many people have obeyed the gospel and their is a great need for teaching these new converts as well as reaching out to still many more. This disaster Response team has asked us to lead this effort. We leave for Mobile in the morning. We're planning to have a series of home bible studies to help "ground"new christians in the faith. Thanks so much for the hard work of the volunteers for helping make this possible. By the way just called a contact in the gulf region. I've not met the people but they said they are looking forward to our reading the bible and praying with them.
I heard a rather interesting conversation just last week between my brother Paul and an elder in the Church. I think it bears repeating. Paul said when you give a dollar to the Disaster Response Team to help people you actually get $3 dollars in value. The question was how so? Paul said the volunteer pays his or her own way there to work taking no money for travel, and buys their own food taking no money for food. My brother said donating to the Disaster Response is a great deal. I thought that was a keen observation by one who had volunteered and could see first hand how donations were used. Because of travel we will be "down" a day or two, but look forward to being back with you and let you know of some of the great things you are helping make possible. Thank you Don

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