Saturday, August 26, 2006

Some of the many new members of the church in Bayou La Batre. Volunteers went in and helped the people after Katrina, taught them the bible and the congregation is about 40 today.
AS you probably know Tropical Storm Ernesto is bearing down on the Caribbean Islands and is forecast to grow in intensity and enter the gulf. We of the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team (DRT) cannot wait any longer. We saw the devastation last year and we want to try and be there even quicker than last year. It is rare that we ever mention or ask for anything, and we ask nothing for the volunteers now, but the people in the path of this storm may need a lot of help. We can put to good use your every expression of love and care. Please pray for those in the path of destruction and for all the volunteers who are giving their all to help. If you want to donate items please call Mark at 937-308-2259 or 937-308-0035, he or Laura can tell you what is needed and where to send them. We appreciate your love and concern in shipping your donated items. If you can volunteer, again call Mark and Laura. It can be dirty, hot sometimes dangerous work, but it can help so much.
WE CAN NOW GREATLY USE MONEY. Your donations of money helps immediately get food, cleaning supplies, household necessities and building materials very quickly in use to help. Through your efforts and sacrifice we not have a kitchen trailer in which we can provide up to 3 thousand meals per day in devastated areas. This one effort alone opens many doors of opportunity for many of our volunteers, with the local church, to set up bible studies and help lead many people to Jesus. There have been many, many new christians who were reached by helping people in the storms of last year. You saw an example in the above picture. Please, please send any amount---it will be used wisely--- to the
Somerset Church of Christ
Disaster Response Team
P.O.Box 247
314 North Market Street
Somerset, Ohio 43783
The moment you letter is opened at Somerset, the elders see that your donation is put to work. None of your donation goes for salaries. It goes to help people.
One more thing, Rosemary and I leave Wed. morn to go to affected areas. Please remember us in your prayers. Your brother, Don