Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What a wonderful mission we had at Bayou le Batre, just south of Mobile, Ala. A few weeks ago, the director of the disaster Response Team, Mark, asked Rosemary and me to go down and work with a new congregation in Bayou le Batre. Last fall when Katrina hit, this area was just devastated. Many, many volunteers began work there such as feeding people, helping them clean out their homes, passing out bible tracts, giving out bibles and telling them about the Lord and His church. This congregation is a direct outcome of these efforts. Rosemary and I had some 14 bible studies lasting from 1 hour to 3 hours working on "first principles" with these new precious brethren. They are so eager to learn. "When can we have the next study?" " When will you and Rosemary be back?" These brethren do not have a building but can meet on Sun. morn in the Odd Fellows Hall. On Sun. eve. and Wed. eve., they meet in some of the members houses. There are about 40 in attendance on Sun. The Churches of Christ disaster Response Team under the Eldership of the Somerset Church of Christ in Somerset, Oh. not only goes into disaster struck areas with food, supplies, building equipment but we also go in to help the local church, if there is one grow. We give out tracts, bibles. set up bible studies and teach people about the Lord. This congregation with which we worked is just and example of some the important efforts that so many of you are helping make possible.. We know that Our Father is aware of our efforts. Heb.6:10 We do appreciate the help the church at Howell, where I preach when we are home, gave us in making our work most profitable. We have a number of pictures and plan to develop them and have them for you tomorrow. Don

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