Thursday, September 14, 2006

Picture here is Rosemary and me as we have stopped to have breakfast. We are on the way to S.W. Fla. on a mission to help a church that has asked for our help. We are teaching Bible Classes, preaching and visiting people as requested by the elders. We had several good conversations with prospective members and other members we were asked to contact today. We plan to leave for home the 22nd of this month.
We received an email from a new congregation started in Franklin Co. Fla. Br. James E. Lee is the preacher. This congregation is very interested in evangelism and mission work. Their e mail is
Nearly every week I receive an excellent paper from the Creekwood Church of Christ where Brother David Sargent is the minister. There web site is This last article about what's right is most interesting.
Another opportunity to participate in evangelism that we have found to be both encouraging and effective in evangelism is The Sojourners. This is a group of christians who have RV's of various description who travel the country helping churches, schools, camps etc. This is all volunteer work. We pay our own way. If you would like to find out more and see if this group of christians might be of help to you, please go to our web site at Rosemary and I are looking forward to going to Camp B in Marshall, Texas is a few week. It is a great opportunity for us to learn to be more effective in our mission work. Don