Monday, September 18, 2006

Pictured at the top is a newpaper reporter interviewing me about Rosemary and my mission work here in S.W. Fla. area of Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte. I though that she wrote an excelent article concerning the rebuilding of the church building and the work in this area. We plan to teach the Wed. Ev. Bible Class here before we head for home on the 22nd.
This has been a very busy summer. Besides our work here in the S.W. Fla. area, we had an excellent mission in Bayou La Batre on the Alabama coast. We are looking forward to going to Camp B in Marshall, Texas in just over two weeks. We are looking forward in learning from brethren who are just great in personal evangelism how we can be more effective in our mission work.
This bottom picture show three wonderful christians going up the ramp to Wed. Ev. Bible Study.
Looking forward to working with the Granny White Church in Nashville on Wed. Evenings. Our lesson seminars will be regarding community evangelism and how to improve our effectiveness.
It has been a good missionary trip here, but we are really looking forward to getting back home and preaching at the Howell Church in Lincoln Co. Tennessee. This church has been nothing short of wonderful in being involved in our mission work. Don