Thursday, September 07, 2006

There is good news tonight. Pictured here is the building of the Peace River Church of Christ in Punta Gorda after hurricane Charlie came thru two years ago. Yesterday after much patience and determination the congregation participated in breaking ground for the new building. Ft. Meyers, TV and the local newspaper were there to cover the event. The first place Rosemary and I came to after Charlie 's departure was this congregation and during these past two years, we have been privileged to either preach or teach bible classes here as a part of our mission work. It was a joy to be a part of their ground breaking ceremony last evening before we taught the mid-week bible class. Br. Doug English and his good wife Evie have worked so hard and so sacrificially in helping keep this work going thru these past two years. We plan to keep you informed as to the progress of their building program. Don