Monday, September 04, 2006

This is a picture of some of the hard working Christians at Bayou La Batre. You see a couple of rigs in the background. That is where we stayed as we worked with the church there in August.
You may be wondering how the Disaster Response Team can get so much accomplished with it's resources. Reconstruction, feeding people, carrying household items and groceries to people in need, settting up bible studies and teaching the word of God to them. WE MAKE EXTREMELY GOOD USE OF THE DONATIONS SO SACRIFICIALLY GIVEN BY YOU. We are all volunteers. When we arrive at an area that needs help, many of our volunteers don't wait for supplies to get there. It is not uncommon for volunteers to go the lumber yard or grocery store (even if we have to go to another town) spending their own limited money, hoping for re-embursement, but not hesitating to do good. People are learning that when they see trucks, cars and rigs with the Disaster Response Team logo, that help is there now. God can do great things with our little. Matthew 10:42.
It has been said by some that donations given by caring people to the DRT receive 3x the value of their donation. DRT volunteers don't charge for driving to the disaster site, DRT volunteers don't charge for the work and the work both in helping people physically and spiritually is well done.
Just as in any great effort of the Lord, support troops are absolutely essential. Many would love to travel hundreds of miles to help, but because of work or other obligations it is not possible. You can be a vital part of the Disaster Response Team effort in helping to reach people for the Lord. Your every contribution and donation is put to work. Work will be done, but your make possible an even greater presence and accomplishment. Your prayers, contributions and donations speak volumes in this effort to the glory of God.
This work is under the Elders of the Somerset Church of Christ
p.o. box247
314 North Market Street
Somerset, Ohio 43783 phone 740-743-2313
By the way, we can sure use volunteers. Give our Director, Mark Cremeans a call at
937-308-2259 or give me a call if I can help. 931-698-3150 Don