Saturday, September 16, 2006

The top picture is of the ground breaking at the Peace River Church of Christ. This church's building was totally destroyed by hurricane Charley. Pictured here is most of the members. They would not give up. They decided to rebuild. It has been a privilege for Rosemary and I to be involved with this good congregation these past couple of years.
Below is a picture of two of the most dedicated christians I have ever met. This is Doug & Evie English. Doug is the minister of the congregation and a really good speaker and teacher. He and Evie with him, are great servants. They serve this congregation with no salery. They are two very sacrificial people. If you are in the Punta Gorda area, I believe you will be blessed getting to know this good church.
You can access the newspaper article about the rebuilding of the building at
Received a new newsletter from David Sargent at the Creekwood Church. A Heroic Service. You can access it at Dear Readers thanks to so many of you for informing of the error in one of my address. It is amazing how many of you read this blog, pass on information to me and ask questions. Thank you very much. Teaching Bible Class at Port Charlotte tomorrow. The Church can be the center of the Community and biblical ways to accomplish this. Sermon in the morning Showing and Telling Christianity. Good Night Don