Saturday, October 07, 2006

Pictured here are two of the finest people we have ever known. These are Sojourners Dick and Nita. They were the first team leaders under whom Rosemary and I served. We have been with them from S. Fla. to Indiana. Dick and Nita have been a constant encouragement to us in continuing our missioin work. Because of Dick's recommendation, we are looking forward especially to the team leader classes that are being offered at the Sojourners workshop in Marshall, Texas. If you are aware of congregations, wherever, that would benefit from Christians who have both the opportunity and desire to help the church, may I suggest you contact the sojourners at Of course you can contact any sojourner such as Rosemary and me and they will be glad to help. Was talking to Neal, Doug, and Joe who are already at Camp B and they said there was already and good number of sojourners that have arrived. This will be our first opportunity for this workshop and we can hardly wait to get there for the excellent program that will be taught.
For the next couple of weeks it may be a little difficult to get on line as much as we normally do, so it may be a few days before we can answer your email. You can always call us at 931-698-3150. Looking very much forward to worshipping with my much beloved brethren at Howell tomorrow. Don