Saturday, November 18, 2006

From right to left, Sam, his wife Marlene, Joe, his wife Gladys, Don and my wife Rosemary. We are pictured here at Camp B in Marshall, Texas. We were at a Sojourner 's workshop. Some of the great lessons there were on being more effective soul winners. There are many ways to serve the Lord in our "golden years", but one of them is being involved with the sojourers. We travel in our rigs-- r.v.s of all sorts-- to help in such church work as evangelism or work on a church building or bible camp or christian school or most any type of work that will help in the kingdom of God. If you are looking for a wonderful, fulfilling, enjoyable way to serve in the kingdom, may I encourage you to call and talk with a sojourner. We will help you find out more. Go to our web sight , there is a lot of information there. On another subject Mike emailed me and told me of a lot of work going on with the DRT such as helping in repairing homes in the gulf area, bible studies, and preparing for the Thanksgiving dinner that many of the volunteers are preparing to be served in the gulf area. We are looking forward to meeting this coming Wed. night with the Friendship Church of Christ. They have been very involved in helping in the mission work in which Rosemary and I are involved. Had a most interesting experience with home bible studies today. We did not have a bible study scheduled, in fact with the other activities we had planned, it was going to be a very full day. But....there is a might working power in God's word... While on my very cold morning walk early this morning, while hurrying down the road, someone came out of there house and asked are we going to have a bible study today? I certainly did not say no. So we just moved some things around and 90mins. later four of us were studying the word of the Living God. Our study, because of their questions lasted for nearly two hours. Did you hear,"nobody is interested in studying the Bible anymore?" I'm here to tell you that many people are very interested in studying the Bible. Many people are looking for real spirituality. We have the treasure in earthen vessels. My brethren we can make a difference. Don