Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lesson three-personal evangelism

While personal evangelism that can not only help the church grow spiritually, but also numerically, is usually a wonderful pursuit, there are problem that we will face. It may well be that the problem that defeats most people in personal evangelism is rejection and the fear of rejection. I know how it feels. I have faced it many times. So did the prophet Samuel and we can take comfort in what God told Samuel in I Sam. 8:7, the people have not rejected you, they have rejected Me. What did Samuel do? He continued doing the best he could and we have to continue doing the best we can. We know we are working for the Lord. We want to pray for another opportunity remembering that God wants people to be saved. Another problem that we often face is "loaded questions". One such question is, Is every body else going to hell? Stick to your subject. Salvation, a daily walk with God, God's providence. I tell people I am only a teacher of God's word. All I know is God's word. I'm doing the best I can to reach out to help people know the Lord. I am not the judge of anybody. That's God's work. My work is to help people.
When it comes to teaching Jesus from the Bible, you may want to take someone with you like the preacher or another person who has taught others. I believe after this course you will be able to teach others We will be instructing later on, the open Bible Method also called the Safety Chain Method. We like to follow up with the Jule Miller Video-now on DVD for reinforcement of what we have taught. You may chose the Searching For Truth DVD or something else. In using the open Bible method the student will get to an opportunity to obey the gospel in the first lesson. This may be the only opportunity you get to study with an individual. If you can study more,and often you will be requested to do so, go on to the second lesson of the Open Bible Method, then to some reinforcement. It has been my experience that somewhere between lesson one and the fourth video, you can determine by conversation they may well want to be baptized and begin their Christian life.
Often questions arise. Answer politely, briefly. Stay on the subject. "To be honest, I don't know anything about the rapture. Is the word rapture in the Bible? No. I really don't know anything about flying saucers or the explanation of much of the figurative language in the Bible. I do, however, know what the Bible says about salvation, about God's providence, about being a child of God and have a knowing relationship with God. Read to them Mt.6:33, Mt.10:29-31, and Rm.8:28 Don

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