Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sam, Marlene, and me at Camp B workshop for the Sojourners. We worked with Sam and Marlene in Pottstown, Penn. at a Christian school. They really are good workers and dedicated to the work of the Lord.
We have had a good day in Bible Study today. We have studied several hours with 4 different people. One of them we had two studies with today. Our next scheduled Bible Studies are Thrus. evening. We look forward to our 3rd session with the Granny White Church tomorrow evening. We are trying to finish this seminar in 4 mid week Bible Studies. Some churches are expressing interest in being involved with our mission work and we appreciate it a great deal. It helps very much. Had a call from a congregation in Tullahoma interested in the possibility of us teaching a church growth, personal evangelism seminar there. If we possible can do this within the time we leave for mission work this Jan., we are going to. It is thrilling that so many congregations are seeing what can be done in personal work here at home that not only helps people become Christians, but also helps the church grow numerically. If you are aware of congregations that can use the help of the Sojourners please tell them to contact them at www.sojourning.org Call me, 931-698-3150, and I'll try and help them. Don