Thursday, November 02, 2006

There will be an article on evangelism following this obituary emailed me. Many of us either know or have been influenced by Br. Alton Howard.
West Monroe, LA. Funeral servicef for Mr. Alton Hardy Howard, 81, of West Monroe, LA will be held 1:00PM October 31, 2006, at the White Ferry Road Church of Christ. Officiating will be Carl Allison, Jim Moraan, Bill Smith, and Stan Webb. Visitation will be at 6:00PM October 30, 2006 at the church. Interment will be at the Rocky Branch Cemetery under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home. Officiating will be Mike Lellett and Alan Robertson.
The above sign is at the Sojourners Camp B. Durring the recent worshop there were probably so 150 "rigs" there. Had a wonder class at Granny White last night. The congregation is extremely interested in out- reach and is working in several area to achieve this. One of them is personal evangelism. There is such interest there the elders moved us into a bigger room. We are working diligently to introduce people and or congregations to the Open Bible Method of Bible Study -- with a few variations. It is easy to learn and students like it because it allows them to participate in their learning. Had two studies Tues. Have two schedueled Sat. and three schedule for next Mon. Russ keeps me well informed in the progress of the church in Bayou La Batre that many of us have a working interest in. They are now seeking a way to obtain their own building in which to meet. There are many of us that are planning an evangelism, and physical work effort this coming April. If you have an interest in helping let us know and we'll keep you posted. If you have a rig, we can set you up. If you dón't have a rig and want to help, let us know because I believe we can get accomodations provided for you. The work opportunity in evangelism and or helping repair houses etc. is great, BUT THE FELLOWSHIP WITH CHRISTIANS. it is like nothing else. This planned effort by many of us is not a part of the effort of the Sojourners, although several of us helping may be sojourners. If you think you want to help for a few days or a couple of weeks in Bayou La Batre ( about 24 miles south of Mobile) in the effort next April, let us hear from you. Don