Monday, November 06, 2006
We have had a wonderful day in Bible study with people today. This open Bible method is just excellent. We have had four studies with people today. One is scheduled for in the morning at 9:30 and we expect to have at least two tomorrow afternoon. We are using this method of study in the seminars which we teach. Because there has been so much demand we are going to begin tonight with our personal evangelism seminar which we have taught and are now teaching in a lot of congregations of the Church of Christ. This seminar or the material is not for sale. We never charge to present this seminar. If you can use the material to help lead some one to the Lord, that's great. While we would love to come to your congregation to present this seminar, our schedule is totally full for next year. If you wish some one to present a personal evangelism seminar where you worship, here are a few references. Contact the office of the Sojourners. Contact the Northwest Church of Christ in Lawton, OK. or I know that both of these reference have people that will do their best to help arrange some one to teach this method. This report will now end and we will begin again tonight with the beginning of the seminar. This will take several presentations, so please be patient. Thanks for your request and questions. Don