Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Early in the morning we leave Port Charlotte for the Tampa International Airport. Our flight leaves around 10:30 and we arrive in Nashville before 12:00 so we ought to be home somewhere in the late afternoon. We have had a good time visiting Dad and it is good to see him feeling better. We have enjoyed visiting with the Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte churches. We plan to go to bible study with the Port Charlotte Church this evening. Br. Doung English teaches the class at Punta Gorda ( Peace River) and then comes to Port Charlotte to teach the bible study there. We talked today with one of our new converts, her daughter is in school. She as well as I am looking forward to bible studies she hopes to set up for us with several members of her family when we return in mid- Jan. Received a call from Br. Gary in Key West today. He is really looking forward to us Sojourners coming there in Jan. He has several evangelistic efforts lined up for us. Talking with Br. Larry at Cape Coral, where we will be in mid- Feb., he said they were planning an all day VBS on Sat. and a program that evening and will invite the parents in to see their childrens work. I think that is a good idea. Don