Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lesson Five-Personal Evangelism

Let's look at some ways in which we can develop contacts and opportunities to teach the bible to people. One great opportunity is visitors who come to church. Visitor's cards are very important. Does someone go thru the building and make sure there are plenty of them in the rack and a pencil with which to write? Are the cards clean or do they have scribling all over them? Remember even though the card may be signed by someone out of town, they may very well know someone in your town. A cordial reply to the visitor can easily engender a positive response about the congregation to his or her friends. New peopl in the community are an imporant source of visitation and teaching. Very often the are looking, not only for a new place to live, but a new place to worship. Often they don't know anyone in the community. You, christian, have a tremendous opportunity to make a favorable impression on this individual. You, christian have a tremendous opportunity to let you light shine. Can you remember when you first moved to a new place? You didn't know anybody. You may have felt you didn't have "status". Someone was friendly and was of help. You still remember them. Being involved and showing interest in the community, school, athletics, volunteer work. This can enhance you role as a valuable citizen. Your opinion is sought. You have an opportunity to put in a good word for the Lord. As this person, when you ask "may I share a message in the bible with you at my home," you chances for a positive response improve greatly. Showing compassion as in bringing a meal or visiting someone in need opens many doors of opportunity for teaching. Because compassion is often lacking in this world, when compassion is shown, it stands out.
COMPASSION is one reason Jesus was so well liked and appreciated. It opened the door for some of His great teachings. Mk.1:41, Compassion for the leper, Mk.5:19, Compassion for the demoniac, Mk.9:22, Compassion for the epileptic. We too can make use of the opportunities that are before us to teach people about Jesus. Don

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